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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Robertson

What is Coaching and How Can it Help Me?

Life is complex and often presents us with challenges that we struggle to navigate on our own. This is where coaching comes in.

Coaching is not about telling you what to do, but about helping you uncover your own solutions to problems, and breaking down seemingly overwhelming challenges into manageable pieces.

The Role of a Coach

A coach is like a navigation partner. They don't drive the car; you're in the driver’s seat. Instead, they help you map out your route, avoiding roadblocks and finding the best path towards your destination. A coach asks the right questions that spark your thinking and allow you to come to conclusions that are best suited to your unique situation.

The Impact of Coaching

A global study by the International Coaching Federation found that 89 percent of individuals who have experienced coaching reported satisfaction with the experience and 96 percent of those who had a formal coaching engagement would repeat the process.

Often, we find ourselves stuck in certain areas of our lives. It might be a cluttered desk that’s causing stress, or a difficult decision that you’ve been putting off. These are areas where a coach can help. Coaching can help you address these points of 'stuckness' and find ways to move forward.

Once you start untangling these knots, you often find that it leads to positive changes in other areas of your life. Addressing one challenge can open up new avenues for growth and lead to profound shifts in your mindset and overall wellbeing.

Coaching vs Therapy

While coaching is different from therapy, more and more mental health providers are encouraging their clients to complement their psychotherapy work with coaching to create sustainable well-being through actionable plans that support behavior change and personal growth— what coaching helps deliver. 

While therapy often looks to the past to heal old wounds, coaching is about looking forward. It's about setting goals and taking action. It's about empowering you to take control of your life and make the changes you want to see.

The effectiveness of coaching has been noted serious academic journals  like the Journal of Clinical Psychology and The Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science, which reported that 58 percent of people who started coaching with symptoms of depression experienced clinical recovery after at least one session with a coach and saw a 76 percent increase in their well-being overall.  

The Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science reported that 58 percent of people who started coaching with symptoms of depression experienced clinical recovery after at least one session with a coach and saw a 76 percent increase in their well-being overall.  

This is because Action creates Traction, and coaching is all about helping people take small, incremental steps to improve their well-being.

End Goal: Fulfillment, Purpose and Satisfaction

If you find yourself feeling rudderless, disconnected from your sense of purpose, or simply going through the motions without joy or fulfillment, consider coaching. It could be the tool you need to help you navigate your life's challenges and move towards a more satisfying, fulfilled life.


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