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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Robertson

Three Brave Moves to Get Unstuck

At the risk of stating the obvious: Feeling stuck sucks. We’ve all been there. You wake up, go through the motions: unloading the dishwasher, folding the laundry, driving the kids around, clocking into the same job that maybe you’ve grown to resent… You feel rudderless, disconnected from your sense of purpose— a sense of malaise coloring your life while everyone around you seems to have it all figured out.  This can be incredibly isolating.

You Are Not Alone

If you identify with this feeling and want to fix it, here are three brave moves to put you on the path to getting unstuck while not becoming unglued.

Often, we're afraid to voice feelings of stuckness or discontent. It’s a vulnerable thing to admit.  We fear that expressing our true feelings might be too disruptive to those who rely on us. Sometimes doing nothing to make change seems easier than making a life-changing course correction that will bring you joy and fulfillment. You may feel guilt about inconveniencing a colleague or a spouse who have relied on you to stay the course. 

No more pretending! Speak up about how you're really feeling. 

Anyone who cares about you will not want you to feel so miserable. Maybe they're oblivious to the fact that your status quo is chipping away at your quality of life and possibly even your health, dragging your soul down with it! 

Don’t short change yourself. You deserve fulfillment!  

Remember, you have to crack some eggs to make the perfect omelette.

Be bold about naming what you want and going after it. (See 6 Ways to Manifest Anything You Desire.) The answer lies within you. You have so much more power and insight than you may realize. Take small steps every day towards understanding and defining your purpose and what makes you feel satisfied.

Yes, YOU can do it, but sometimes we all need a little help. This is where a coach, trusted friend or therapist can be invaluable in helping you shed feelings of guilt or complacency and take tangible steps on your path to fulfillment, as well as helping you define what you really want. Someone like this can provide an objective perspective and help you understand your feelings better. They can help you navigate the ups and downs, the uncertainties, and the fears.

Remember, you're not alone in this journey.  If you're feeling stuck and need someone to walk beside you, I'm here and would love to help you find your key to fulfillment. Together, we can explore your path to joy, satisfaction, and a life of purpose.


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