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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Robertson

Meet Ashley, a Guilty, Overwhelmed Perfectionist, Stuck in Stagnation

Updated: Aug 6

My client Ashley is an admitted perfectionist who fears releasing anything into the world until it has met a standard that even a Harvard professor would look at and say, “Girlfriend, you’re good!”  

Ashley is a busy mom with two athletic kids who rely on her for rides to countless sports practices and games— not to mention tutoring sessions, play dates and school events.  On top of this, Ashley, who is charge of all of the household responsibilities for her family, also has a demanding deadline-intensive job— as well as things she wants to accomplish and do that actually bring her joy, like spending time with friends and taking care of herself!

She came to me feeling a general lack of “joie de vivre” in her life.  She was unable to appreciate all of the amazing things she does accomplish each day and, instead, she was plagued with self-doubt and judgement about the long list of things she couldn’t get to.  

In short, Ashley was paralyzed by her overwhelm, resulting in stagnation.  She was lost in what I like to call, the Bermuda Triangle of Prioritization, Perfectionism and Procrastination.  

Together, Ashley and I embarked on a series of “White Board Sessions” that helped her tame her endless to do list (and along with it, her inner critic), making her feel more in control, mentally organized, and happier. 

Ashley told me it felt like she had hired a professional organizer for her brain.  

The following are the five steps Ashley and I employed to overcome her overwhelm to put her on the pathway to productivity and purpose. (Read about Conquering Overwhelm in more detail here.):

If Ashley’s story resonates with you, click here to schedule a complimentary discovery call.  I would be honored to help put you on the path to productivity and purpose. 

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